Understanding common sports injuries
Chronic injuries are caused by repeated usage of muscle groups or joints. Poor technique and structural defects can also lead to chronic injury progression. Any sports injury should be investigated by a doctor since you may be in more pain than you realise. For example, what seems to be an ankle sprain might be a bone fracture.

Different types of sports injuries
Some of the most common sports injuries are as follows:
- O Ankle sprains cause pain, oedema, and stiffness.
- O Bruises can occur as a result of a hit to the skin.
- O A concussion is a minor reversible brain damage caused by a blow to the head that may be accompanied by a loss of consciousness. Headache, dizziness, and short-term memory loss are among the symptoms.
- O Falls are the most common cause of cuts and abrasions. Knees and hands are particularly vulnerable.
- O Dehydration: excessive fluid loss can result in heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
- O A blow to the jaw can cause teeth to fracture, shatter, or detach.
- O Symptoms of groyne strain include soreness and oedema.
- O Symptoms of hamstring strain include soreness, oedema, and bruising.
- O Knee joint injuries cause pain, oedema, and stiffness. Ligaments, tendons, and cartilage may be damaged.
- O A direct hit to the nose causes nasal injuries that are either bloody or fractured.
- O Stress fractures are most common in the lower limbs. The pressure of jumping or running repeatedly on hard surfaces might eventually stress and shatter bones.
Treatment is determined by the kind and degree of the injury. If the discomfort persists after a few days, consult Dr. Srinivas Kasha. What appears to be a simple sprain may actually be a shattered bone.
Physiotherapy can assist in rehabilitating the affected spot and may involve exercises to enhance strength and flexibility, depending on the injury. Returning to sport after an injury is determined by Dr. Kasha or a physiotherapist.
Attempting to play before the injury has fully healed will simply inflict further damage and postpone healing. A past injury is the single greatest risk factor for soft tissue damage. While the injury heals, you may stay active by doing exercises that do not use that section of your body, if possible.
Sports injury prevention
You can lower your risk of sports injuries by doing the following:
- O Warm up completely by completing slow, continuous stretches and gradually going through the motions of your sport.
- O Put on proper footwear.
- O If required, tape or strap susceptible joints.
- O Wear protective equipment such as mouth guards, helmets, and pads.
- O Make sure to stay hydrated before, during, and after the game.
- O Avoid exercising between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., when it is the warmest of the day.
- O Maintain a high level of general fitness, especially during the off-season (the months between sports seasons).
- O Train in different sports to improve general fitness and muscular strength.
- O Ensure that your training involves proper speed and impact activity so that your muscles are ready for the demands of a game environment.
- O Don't push yourself beyond your current level of fitness. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.
- O Maintain proper form and technique.
- O Stretching after exercise should be mild and maintained.
- O Allow enough time between sessions for recuperation.
- O Maintain frequent medical check-ups.
A note from Dr. Srinivas Kasha
Sports and exercise are beneficial to one's health, but they frequently result in injuries. Many minor sports injuries may be treated at home using rest and other techniques. However, if the pain, swelling, bruising, or incapacity to utilise the damaged region does not improve within a few hours or days, seek medical assistance.
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Dr Srinivas Kasha is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon with over 15 years of experience in successfully performing Total Joint Replacement Surgeries
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